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Hiroshi Tomochi

About Hiroshi

Hiroshi is an Ocarina craftsman from Awaji Island.


With "no common sense" as his motto, he is a free spirit who pursues happiness with free thinking whilst being unrestrained by rules. After working as a sushi chef, Italian chef, French chef, bartender, and head chef, he became a calligrapher. He has written and presented his words to 50,000 people using his self-taught brush script. He is also involved in greening activities in the Gobi Desert, hoping to plant as many trees as the number of people who he has presented his words to.


Encountering the ocarina, and sensing the future possibilities of ocarinas made from renovated tiles, a traditional industry of Awaji Island, he taught himself how to make them.


He feels that beyond the development of innovative technology and convenience, "the true joy of people" lies in "creating a handmade culture," and is working to create an ocarina culture on Awaji Island.

Hiroshi Talk
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